Fundsmith SICAV – Fundsmith Equity Fund
€62.79 T Class Acc, 30 ago 24
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Fundsmith Equity Fund Awarded OBSR Rating

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The Fundsmith Equity Fund launched in November 2010 by Terry Smith as the main vehicle for his own investments has been awarded a Bronze Rating by Morningstar OBSR. 


Morningstar OBSR cited how the Fund’s investment principles are likely to resonate strongly with many investors, making it a strong choice for those seeking a lower-risk global equity fund. Whilst it is early days for the Fund, Terry Smith’s long-term, distinctive approach and strong focus on delivering consistent, positive risk-adjusted returns again make this a strong choice. Furthermore, communication with clients is of the highest order and investors’ interests are truly aligned with those of Fundsmith who stand out with their client focused, long-term investment approach.


Terry Smith, Founder and Chief Executive of Fundsmith, said: 


“I am delighted to have received this Morningstar OBSR Rating that clearly recognises both our investment principles and the alignment of our investors’ interests alongside our own.”