Standort: Deutschland (Deutsch) |

Fundsmith SICAV – Fundsmith Equity Fund
€67.62 T Class Acc, 12 Feb. 25

Northern Trust Global Services SE (“the Administrator”, or “We”) have been appointed by Fundsmith SICAV and its management company to support investor administration. While we make all possible efforts to perform our regulated activities in a professional and efficient manner, and deliver a high standard of customer service, we also recognise that complaints can arise.

We have a process in place to assist you in resolving your concerns in a professional, open and efficient manner.

Complaint Definition

A client complaint is defined as being any oral or written expression of dissatisfaction, from, or on behalf of, a person about the provision of, or failure to provide, a financial service or a redress determination, which: alleges that the plaintiff has suffered (or may suffer) financial loss, material distress or material Inconvenience; and that there is an explicit or implicit expectation by a client that the Administrator will take action to remediate them and or prevent recurrence.

Complaint Management Procedure

Any complaint can be raised to the attention of the Administrator through one of the following channels:


c/o Northern Trust Global Services SE
10 rue du Château d’Eau
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Phone: +352 28 29 40 00

Upon receipt of your complaint, the Administrator will acknowledge receipt within a maximum of five business days. The acknowledgement message will indicate the name, direct contact details of the person in charge of managing your complaint, and the case reference number.

The resolution of your complaint will be provided within one month from the date of receipt. If, due to the complexity of the case, a longer period may be necessary to properly investigate and resolve your complaint you will be informed in writing of the cause of the delay and the date at which the investigation is likely to be completed.

In accordance with its obligations as set forth by the Luxembourg Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (hereafter referred as CSSF) Regulation No 16-07 relating to out-of-court resolution of complaints and Circular CSSF 17/671 specifying certain aspects of this CSSF Regulation and repealing the Circular CSSF 14/589, the Administrator has a governance framework for the management of client complaints to ensure that its clients are treated objectively, fairly, in a consistent way and timely manner. The Administrator has a designated Senior Manager who is in charge of addressing client complaints.

Contacting the CSSF

We would like to bring to your attention that if you have not received an acknowledgement of receipt, an answer or a satisfactory response to your complaint within the periods detailed above, you can file a request for out-of-court complaint resolution with the CSSF. The escalation procedure and required forms are available on the website of the CSSF: